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03-March 21, 2011
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, March 21, 2011, 6:30 pm, Memorial City Hall

Present: Crystal Cosentino, Anthony Bartolotta , Anne McCarthy, Sam Giangreco, Christopher DeProspero   

Absent: Frank Reginelli

Staff: Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel

Absent: Greg Gilfus, APD

Agenda Items: 297 Grant Avenue

The Chair calls the meeting to order. The Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Agenda Item 1: 297 Grant Avenue - Major Site Plan Review and Minor Subdivision Review for the construction of a 2800 SF AmeriCu credit union including drive-thru teller lanes, drive-thru ATM, and associated site improvements. Applicant: Dix Properties Inc.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.  

Devon DelPas, Dix Properties – There had been a couple requests for improvement on the plans that were submitted last month and these have been implemented. Increased curb radius and increase in room in the drive-thru area for emergency vehicles has been done as well as moving the drainage basin to the site property.

Chair asks the public for comments. None. Chair closes the public hearing.

Chair asks the Board for comments.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions signs.

Devon DelPas – there are no signs in the application. The tenant will take care of that when and if desired.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – the plans are straightforward and well executed. There were a few issues that have been resolved. Storm water pollution prevention plan has been submitted. Part 2 of the EAF for SEQR has been distributed. (reviews SEQR) Staff recommends a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the site plan and subdivision as provided.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to accept the site plan as presented. So moved by Christopher DeProspero, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the subdivision as presented. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Next meeting is April 5, 2011  at 6:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Anthony Bartolotta,  seconded by Anne McCarthy. Meeting adjourned.